
Crawfish Boudin Stuffed Chicken


Chicken and crawfish boudin, together at last! We took a delicious semi-boneless chicken, seasoned it up with our signature spice blend, and added the perfect touch: we stuffed it with delicious Billy’s crawfish boudin! Our famous crawfish boudin makes a delicious enhancement to a juicy chicken dinner, cooking to perfection inside the chicken and enhancing its flavor! You’ll never go back to normal chicken again!

Additional Information

Weight 3.71 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 7 × 3.5 in

Cooking Instructions

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Place chicken in a baking pan and cover with foil
  3. Bake for 1 hour covered and 30 minutes uncovered or until internal temperature reaches 165 degrees